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# cstringuitls.h

#ifndef CSTRINGUTILS_H#define CSTRINGUTILS_H#include 
using namespace std;class CStringUtils{public: static int split(const string & str,vector
& ret_,string sep); static int getXmlNodeValue(const string src ,const string key ,string & value); static string toString(int n); static int StringToInt(string str);};#endif // CSTRINGUTILS_H

# cstringuitls.cpp

#include "cstringutils.h"#include 
/************************************************************************************************** * split string to stringList. *************************************************************************************************/int CStringUtils::split(const string &str, vector
&ret_, string sep){ if (str.empty()) return 0; string tmp; string::size_type pos_begin = str.find_first_not_of(sep); string::size_type comma_pos = 0; while (pos_begin != string::npos) { comma_pos = str.find(sep, pos_begin); if (comma_pos != string::npos) { tmp = str.substr(pos_begin, comma_pos - pos_begin); pos_begin = comma_pos + sep.length(); } else { tmp = str.substr(pos_begin); pos_begin = comma_pos; } if (!tmp.empty()) { ret_.push_back(tmp); tmp.clear(); } } return 0;}/************************************************************************************************** * get Xml node`s value from string. *************************************************************************************************/int CStringUtils::getXmlNodeValue(const string src ,const string key ,string & value){ string sNode = "<" + key + ">"; string eNode = "
"; int begin = src.find(sNode ,0); if (string::npos == begin){ return -1; } int end = src.find(eNode ,begin); if (string::npos == end){ return -1; } value = src.substr(begin + sNode.length() , end - begin - sNode.length()); return 1;}/************************************************************************************************** * Convert INT to String. *************************************************************************************************/string CStringUtils::toString(int n){ strstream m; m<
>s; return s;}/************************************************************************************************** * Convert String to INT32 *************************************************************************************************/int CStringUtils::StringToInt(string str){ strstream m; m<
>n; return n;}

# fileParser.h

#ifndef FILEPARSER_H#define FILEPARSER_H#include 
using namespace std;typedef vector
Record;class FileManager{public: static FileManager * getInstance(); bool load(const string & fname);private: FileManager(){ m_isLoaded = false; m_rcList.clear(); } ~FileManager(){ } bool parseBuffeToRecord(const char * buffer, Record & record);public: bool m_isLoaded; vector

# fileParser.cpp

#include "fileParser.h"#include "cstringutils.h"#include 
using namespace std;string toString(int n){ strstream m; m<
>s; return s;}int toINT(string str){ strstream m; m<
>n; return n;}static FileManager * g_instance = NULL;/******************************************************************************/FileManager * FileManager::getInstance(){ if (g_instance == NULL) g_instance = new FileManager(); return g_instance;}/******************************************************************************/bool FileManager::load(const string & fname){ if (m_isLoaded){ cout << __FUNCTION__ << "::\t" << "Config file is loaded." << endl; return true; } FILE * fp = fopen(fname.c_str(),"r"); if ( fp == NULL){ cout << __FUNCTION__ << "::\t" << "fopen() failed ,please make sure " << fname << "exist" << endl; return false; } char buffer[100]; Record tmpNode; while(true){ memset(buffer,'\0',sizeof(buffer)); char * ret = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp); if (ret == NULL){ cout << __FUNCTION__ << "::\t" << "fgets() read eof." << endl; break; } tmpNode.clear(); bool iRet = parseBuffeToRecord(buffer, tmpNode); if ( false == iRet) { continue; } m_rcList.push_back(tmpNode); } fclose(fp);}bool FileManager::parseBuffeToRecord(const char * buffer, Record & record){ if ( NULL == buffer) { cout << __FUNCTION__ << "::\t" << "Parsed Buffer is NULL!" << endl; return false; } CStringUtils::split(string(buffer), record, "\t");#ifdef DDEBUG cout << __FUNCTION__ << "::\t" << "Parsed Result :\n==============" << endl; for ( int i = 0;i < record.size();i++ ) { cout << record[i] << "\t"; } cout << __FUNCTION__ << "::\t" << "\n==============" << endl;#endif return true;}

# main.cpp

#include "fileParser.h"#include "message.h"#include
using namespace std;static int g_msg_type; //表示接受的IPC的消息类型static char g_dest_flag; //表示目标的IPC标识符static char g_src_flag; //表示自身IPC的标识符static string g_ftok_path; //表示ftok()的首个path参数static string g_msg_file; //表示默认的消息发送文件static int s_src_id;static int s_dest_id;int process_args(int argc,char **argv);int createMsgQueue(string & ftokPath, int msgQueType);void * onRecvMsg(void * p){ pthread_detach(pthread_self()); Message msg; cout << "Enter SendMsg Thread..." << endl; int msg_len = 0; while(1) { msg_len = msgrcv(s_src_id, &msg, sizeof(Message) - sizeof(long), g_msg_type, 0 | MSG_NOERROR); displayMessage(&msg); usleep(100); }}void * onSendMsg(void * p){ pthread_detach(pthread_self()); FileManager * instance = FileManager::getInstance(); instance->load(g_msg_file.c_str()); cout << "Enter RecvMsg Thread..." << endl; string ch; char flag; int r_len; while(1) { cout << "Start Send Command:" << endl; cin >> ch; if ( (ch != "exit") || (ch != "q") || (ch != "quit") ) { for(int i = 0;i < instance->m_rcList.size();i++) { Message tmp; memset(&tmp,'\0',sizeof(Message)); tmp.type = g_msg_type; Record rc = instance->m_rcList[i]; for (int k = 0;k < rc.size();k++) { string val = rc[k]; if (val.size() == 0) { cout << "This Record is invalid" << endl; break; } setMessageValue(&tmp, k+1,val); } displayMessage(&tmp); int iRet = msgsnd(s_dest_id, &tmp, sizeof(Message) - sizeof(long), IPC_NOWAIT); if ( iRet != 0) { cout << "msgsnd error, errno:" << errno << endl; } cout << "Next Command ?:" << endl; cin >> ch; } } else { cout << "Send Thread Will Exit..." << endl; } }}int main(int argc,char **argv){ /*Step:解析命令行参数*/ process_args(argc,argv); /*Step2:创建收发消息队列*/ s_src_id = createMsgQueue(g_ftok_path, g_src_flag); s_dest_id = createMsgQueue(g_ftok_path, g_dest_flag); cout << "src_queue_id::" << s_src_id << endl; cout << "dest_queue_id::" << s_dest_id << endl; /*Step3:创建收发线程*/ pthread_t sndTid; pthread_t rcvTid; pthread_create(&sndTid, NULL, onSendMsg, NULL); pthread_create(&rcvTid, NULL, onRecvMsg, NULL); pthread_join(sndTid,NULL); pthread_join(rcvTid,NULL); return 0;}/******************************************************************************* 参数说明:* -d : dest ,表示目标消息队列的标识符(如:a , b c ...)* -s : src ,表示源消息队列标识符(如:a , b , c ...)* -p : path ,表示创建ftok()中的首个参数path* -t : type ,表示消息的类型* -m : msgfile,表示需要发送的Message的数据文件,可以一次性发送多条******************************************************************************/int process_args(int argc,char **argv){ int oc; char * pOption = NULL; while((oc = getopt(argc, argv, "t:s:p:d:m:")) != -1) { switch(oc) { /*消息类型*/ case 't': { pOption = optarg; if ( NULL == pOption) { g_msg_type = 1; } else { g_msg_type = atoi(pOption); } } break; /*目标-标识符*/ case 'd': { pOption = optarg; if ( NULL == pOption) { g_dest_flag = 'd'; } else { g_dest_flag = pOption[0]; } } break; /*源-标识符*/ case 's': { pOption = optarg; if ( NULL == pOption) { g_src_flag = 's'; } else { g_src_flag = pOption[0]; } } break; /*ftok基础路径*/ case 'p': { pOption = optarg; if ( NULL == pOption) { g_ftok_path = "/usr/"; } else { g_ftok_path = pOption; } } break; /*msg-消息文件*/ case 'm': { pOption = optarg; if ( NULL == pOption) { g_msg_file = "msg.txt"; } else { g_msg_file = pOption; } } break; } }}/******************************************************************************* 参数说明:* 创建消息队列******************************************************************************/int createMsgQueue(string & ftokPath, int msgQueType){ int msgQueId=0; key_t msgQueKey=0; msgQueKey = ftok(ftokPath.c_str(), msgQueType); if((msgQueId = msgget(msgQueKey,IPC_CREAT | 0666)) < 0) { cout << "create msg queue faile!" << endl; return 0; } else { cout << "create msg queue success!msg id:" << msgQueId << endl; return msgQueId; } return -1;}

# message.h

#ifndef MESSAGE_H#define MESSAGE_H#include 
using namespace std;typedef struct _Message{ long type; int id; char data[10]; char buffer[20];} Message;//#define OUT(p) cout << "msg->p::" << msg->p << endl#define OUT(p) cout << msg->p << endlvoid displayMessage(Message * msg){ if ( NULL == msg) { cout << "Message is NULL" << endl; return; } OUT(type); OUT(id); OUT(data); OUT(buffer);}void setMessageValue(Message * msg,int id,string val){ if (id == 1) msg->id = atoi(val.c_str()); if (id == 2) strcpy(msg->data ,val.c_str()); if (id == 3) strcpy(msg->buffer, val.c_str());}#endif

# msgA.txt

10	Afeihf	Ahhh20	Azenzhe	Ayyy30	Apangan	Axxx

# Makefile

TARGET=msgclientINCLUDES=-I.LIBS=-lpthreadSOURCES=main.cpp cstringutils.cpp fileParser.cpp message.h$(TARGET):	g++ $(SOURCES) -o $(TARGET) $(INCLUDES) $(LIBS)clean:	rm -rf $(TARGET) *.o *~

# 用法说明

./msgclient  -d A -s B -p /usr/  -t 1 -m msgA.txt



* 参数说明:
* -d : dest   ,表示目标消息队列的标识符(如:a , b c ...)
* -s : src    ,表示源消息队列标识符(如:a , b , c ...)
* -p : path ,表示创建ftok()中的首个参数path
* -t : type ,表示消息的类型
* -m : msgfile,表示需要发送的Message的数据文件,可以一次性发送多条


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